Steven I. Victor

Premiere Properties, Past President, Apartment Association of Michigan

It is with the much sorrow that we inform you of the death of Steven Victor, Past President of the Apartment Association of Michigan, on September 18 at the age of 84. He served as Association President from 1976 to 1984.

An esteemed and respected member who made countless contributions to the Association, Steven was honored with the Distinguished Service to the Apartment Industry award in December 1989. Below is a portion of the profile that was published at the time of this honor.

“A native Detroiter and graduate of Wayne State University Law School, Steve’s interests in apartments date back to his childhood when he tagged along with his real estate professional father. Later Steve owned enough apartment units to house 200 families.

When legislation in 1968 made it difficult for individuals in the multiple family housing industry, Steve and his law partner, Norman D. Katz, led a syndication of 2,000 apartment units throughout Michigan. The result of their efforts led to the first (and lasting) representation of the Apartment Association of Michigan before the legislature in Lansing and before the Public Service Commission.

His skill as a practicing attorney, keen sense of humor and his own experience as a caring landlord combined to make him a particularly effective leader.”

We extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Steven’s wife, Marilyn, children, David Victor and his wife Kelly Rogers Victor, Julie Victor and her husband Clyde Partner and Jackie Victor, other loving family members, associates and friends.

Shown above (circa 2003) are AAM Past Presidents Mel Kaftan (left), George M. Nyman, Steven I. Victor, Edgar Fenton and then Executive Vice President/General Counsel Irvin H. Yackness.

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